The Knoxville Journal from Knoxville, Tennessee (2024)

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The Knoxville Journali

Knoxville, Tennessee

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Keep Tennessee Green Prevent Forest Fires Edited by CHARLES SMITH KNOXVILLE TENNESSEE MONDAY AUGUST 1 1960 aJv-BKJ XJ 4 1 tftJW 1 I A -V ir is- r- Ci ii 4 I m-t -v wmiiuf i)t- f1 bkl 5 IT 7 7 '-3 i-4 4 't iy 'Vs "kn -aSTi! i ihk i-x 'X 4X jv -if'-S VVL-7-i 'i--- U3 tr' $rtt 4 j' i 1 i The Weather (Yesterday's Data US Weather Bureau) TEMPERATURE WEATHER FORECAST Showers and scattered thundershowers are predicted for the southern Atlantic and eastern Gulf Coast states Monday The northern plains and north and central Rockies will see thundershowers in the afternoon The north and Middle Atlantic states will be cool while warmer temperatures are predicted for the middle Mississippi Valley and Great Lakes regions (AP Wirephoto) r-w -s -v- 4 WtM' r-' 14-H Roundup Scheduled For UT Campus Aug 8 Monday Aug 8 500 4-H Club I and will deliver an address The members will invade the 4-H Vol State awards will be made sity of Tennessee campus at and a candlelighting ceremony will Knoxville bent on making this precede the farewell party annual state 4-H Roundup one to Saturday will bring a short seS' be remembered for state com-lsion and dispersal of the 500 to petition in 21 demonstrations in their respective homes recreation and in discussing their I General chairman is George respective future careers Foster state 4-H specialist as-Registration will be in full sisted by all members of the 4-H I swing Monday afternoon for the I department Roundup which closes Saturday oncers are: Jimmy Director Darter UT Agri- Hite Sutovan County president cultural Extension Service will Steve Parks Coffee County first welcome the delegates represent- president Don Harrison Bed-4ing the 130000 odd membership K0 County second ce presi-in Tennessee at the evening ses- dent Charles Langford Clay sion scheduled at the Student County third vice president Center The Get Acquainted Charles Hdl Hrapr County fourth party Fred Colby in charge vice president Linda Eason Hay-will follow wood County secretary Alice Tuesday 'demonstrations i 1 1 1 J0yce Franklin County' re-range from bread baking to tractor operation from strawberries on parade to livestock Winners compete for awards ranging from scholarships to trips or both Highlight of the state championships are trips to the National 4-H Club Congress in Chicago late this fall Tuesday afternoon a pang of HARPERSVILLE Ala July 31 1 UT deans with feUwii Dick-L po said white men son as moderator will explgn op- young Negr0 portunities at the university An erg Urt night'and nogged one ofi e5day 1116111 because they said they will be followed by a recreation Lj want Negroes working in party service stations in the area Wednesday will be career day I think we know who two of I I Special speaker at the morning them said Raymond Rog- assembly will be Hugh McDade Crs chief of police in this rural public relations director Alumi- town in central Alabama I num Company of America Rep- come home last night and resentatives from the FFA and 1 1 guess they know we are after By WALTER AMANN good many years with no har- pines Dodson looked after were niA will greet the delegates at them but Just a matter of Outdoors Editor vesting or any other attention long due for a cutting this session time' "Some people know pines Dodson went on look at them Dod- Wednesday morning Dr He declined to identify them should be they were a bit spindly I son invited as he pulled himself I Blshop Virginia Boswell state I Rogers said the white men rid-1 Herb Dodson made the state- and put on growth like they up off the cool grass lawn Extension leaders will speak on ing in two cars abducted the ment as he rested in the shade did the first few years after they HARVEST SHOW the subjects of careers in agri- Negroes as they left a service! of the main buildings of Buffalo I were set I A short distance down the I culture and home economics Of-1 station Springs Game Farm Dodson has While the pines on the Massen- gravel road from the game farm I ficers will be nominated and that He said they took them 12 miles I operated the game farm near gill estate were getting spindlier the Massengill woodland hove evening the Tennessee Party will outside town and stripped Henry Rutledge as long as anyone can and spindlier a neighbor started into view Dodson pointed across be staged Nancy Joyce in charge Jones 19 to his underwear tied remember He raises bobwhite cutting a pine tree stand similar a field to a hillside covered with Thursday special interest groups him to a tree and beat him with quail and many exotic species of to called Bill Rey- pines he said will meet and Dr Andrew Holt a belt He was not hurt "seriously game birds for the State Game nolds the Grainger County Soil already been cut but you can't will address the general assembly I the chief said but he had welts and Fish Commission Conservation Service tell it by the density of the in the morning After lundh a on his legs The genial game arm mana- Dodson said asked him tour of the Smokies including I The white men also took I ger who can talk on the subject about From this pulpwood thinning stops at Gatlinburg and visit to brother David 13 but did not of bird-raising for hours without Reynolds pointed out that pine the money returned from stump-1 Cherokee for the pageant beat him Rogers said repeating a phrase got on the trees like any crop that grows age amounted to $800 In another These will be on the pre-1 subject of trees vecause in his too thickly must be thinned to five years when the crowns of I gram I SppnTIfl (V spare time he manages another I realize full volume growth The I the trees again touch another I Friday morning will see elec-1 farm nearby It is 450 acres in 1 cutting will be due The next har-1 for 1961 officers Later Len- size and is referred tmi ravi i CUlTING NECESSARY Herb Dodson superintendent of Buffalo Springs Game Farm at Rutledge looks at a pine tree forest from which a thinning yielded $800 after he learned that trees are supposed to be The farm is the Massengill estate owned by children He manages it for them FARM FORESTRY Farm Manager Learns Pine Forest Supposed To Be Cut by It is 450 acres in cutting will be due The next har- uons ior ameers wier um- w- in Grainger County it TT vest will produce even more I Safley assistant to the presi-1 JJ UTK6Y to as the I cX pi I AW volume of wood and money ent Tennessee Farm Bureau I Inches 0 4 iM 23 a Moon rise 217 pm Meensst 12Msm 11274 feet WASHINGTON July 31 MV-Weather Bureau report of temperature and rainfall tor selected areas: Maximum temperature for 12 hours minimum temperature for It hours end precipitation for 24 hour period ending 7 EOT 1 High Low Free 77 1 For 24 Hours For Month For Yeor Deficiency for Month Deficiency for Yeor OTHER DATA Barometric Pressure T-H Index Sunrise 5:43 am Sunset 741 pm River Stage Albany 4 94 y- rns it 94 DISCUSSING SOIL John Maxey right or-chardist from Ridgedale Community and Charles Powers soil scientist with the Soil Conservation Service discuss one of the soil types found on the Maxey farm Powers is making a soils and land capability map of the farm to be used as a guide' in developing a farm conservation plan 16 S3 Amarillo Atlanta Atlantic City Birmingham Bismarck Balsa Boston Capa Hattaras Charlotte Chattanooga Chicago Cincinnati Cltvtland Dallas Denver Detroit Duluth Houston Kansas City Key west Knexville Los Angeles Louisville Miami Beodt Milwaukee Montreal Nashville New Orleans New York Philadelphia Phoenix Pittsburgh St Louis navigator with the Strategic Air 1 Command he is well aware that Tompa success requires accuracy It was I 43 49 70 a 51 44 47 74 70 45 43 43 52 70 47 54 52 79 49 72 44 47 45 73 52 41 44 74 70 44 50 58 44 52 57 74 73 72 2 1 100 5 90 94 7 1 71 92 93 74 S3 97 53 S5 91 7 IS 73 73 91 92 2 84 105 77 II 40 71 54 87 (7 AAUJolvlli v4vF VT tl I will coeak Durina the afternoon I TV 1 Retired Airman Seeks 'll 4 I leg- of wOI preside I11' disclosed thal a second notej A lhe gjsianfaasai Expert arming Advi '7XK1- I cian Joe A Purkey whose death I (X 307 02 10 03 04 estate It is owned jointly by children I A TTrT' this Dodson said A VT XI1S about 20 acres of pine trees Fifteen acres were planted el Mni I as seedlings years ago by CCC 1 VJ4JAU i11vtlU 1 (Civilian Conservation Corps) I boys and the rest of the stand and owned by the University ofj After the saw log harvest for- 'Park Travel just came up from scrub trees Tennessee has been named a gold est profits will not end on the By GLENN HARRISON Soil Conservation Service want to know the best farm- 130 has remained a mystery He said the second note thanked Gordon Sams operator of Town House for things he I ing system -to follow and the had done for the victim Purkey I proper fertility program to Aise lived in a basement apartment at on my These were the the restaurant I words spoken-by John Maxey as Purkey was found dead in his I he talked with Bob Freeland As- rho partment late Thursday after- sistant county agent with the Urn- noon eaptain Lobetti said he was verity of Tennessee Extension oAxw near the door clutching a I Service in Knox County hammer signs of violence John has an intuition for want I were he added popular tourist haunts park rang- 10 mark I medal dam by the Holstein-Frie- woodland There will be younger SUPPOSED TO GROW Isian Association of America at I pines coming on all the time I B4 TTfl Xl OT The trees on the Dodson-man- Brattleboro Vt growing from seeds dropped by '-A aged farm were not considered Man-O-War Ella qualified the mature trees ITT to be there for any special pur- for brood honors on And of the future tree crop I JlIOl flUlQuy pcse just thought they were basis of four of four eligible Dodson declared be ready! supposed to Dodson said offspring meeting high standards for thinning when the pines are That they had been doing for a 0f production Three of four met found out supposed paralleling type requirements I to be cut!" Governor Guest 716 Tennessee Hoistein has four tested TT TrnRT Tiu 21 rrat cmnW Mmintainx his intuition for the right wayl that led MaJ John Maxey to the RadlO ltTH county office when he re-1 tired from the Air Force in 1959 1 VRQTi x3ff after 20 years of service I The retired flyer bought a part am of his farm in the Ridge- radio station L1: p-Si dale Community back in 1951 lam lty kas aSp anficipation of the day he would Communications Commission for retire When that day came he use of call sign WROL for his decided to follow in his station Footsteps as a commercial or-1 call lellf rs WFCT camiot chardist He went to the county use1 Thrower as Frank office seeking the latest Fox of Harlan Ky has already information received permission to use the During his discussion with John 1 lcttcrs on aMtier new Fountain to be offidally daughters Sirs air of At TTrF records averaging 16537 lbs optcUwei XVI A I milk and 580 lbs of butterfat oni Gov Buford Ellington will be the two milkings a day 305 day u6CIl I Tl guest speaker at the 26tb annual mature equivalent basis I summer field day at the UT To- One daughter is classified F'lffht tva nrA I I Civil Rights baeco Experiment 1 1 1 gXthe'second htshert broke't OdlU le lglll Greeneville Tuesday Aug 9 be- he official Holstein type pro-1 XXlLxiZi wasn a on the body Captain Lobetti said he with- in In Gatlinburg an average of I held contents of the second note 799 cars per hour was clocked I untj after consulting the family with 1061 cars during the peak He said the first noted stated ''ThX V' erf56 601 cars per hour would take care of burial ex- ginning at 9:30 am am oWers ae a notch NASHVILLE July 31 w-Ten- with 823 cars going through from penses Governor talk will bracket I53? 'Democrats p' m' Tend avenige wiis The former Marine was sepa- climax the day after fanners riT nm campaign In which civil 357 cars per hour with peak of rated from his wife and reported teachers and other agriculturists nRhts has key issue- 694 cars from P- m- to have been despondent a few have seen and heard how to 1 8611 serious contend- Temperature in Gatlinburg days prior to his death accord- breed new tobaccos their care I er for 116 Democratic Presiden-1 soared to 89 although the mounting to Lobetti UT CCU UCW IVUdvVUa) UiClA telo TTm I I DVeiCU iw Ovf iUlvUU UiC UluUll Personal Income Up In State City station ejected the in two weeks Tie WROL call sign was for- income for May I960 totalled $471300000 of 21 percent over according to figures Business Week maga- and fertilization plus many other iff I tlal nomination in 1952 and the uin peaks were still aircooled Eh mm potmds'mUk Frcsidential candI- Rogers noted more picnickers I not the death until after I an TtetterfTc-re 19 bUnd swimmers at Tremont Camp- receiving laboratory results from May of 1959 fa? limes ttfl STaS ground (primitive) on Dttle River autopsy performed Friday Released by 1 1 -x u- juage Andrew tnp) layior we had Fourth of extra wide Personal Captain Lobetti reported he will I in Tennessee Rangers noted more picnickers rule on the death until after I an increase lifetime output of the average ane 5r3-inch Alcoa aluminum sheet The increase over the same period a year ago is slightly less than one half of the national increase of 52 percent Greatest increase In the nation in personal income for the year was Nevada which posted a 134 percent in- I crease Only three states showed a loss North Dakota Montana inm p-raaatinniet coW lament segregationist All campgrounds ran full a a The outcome may furnish an over the weekend classified icJga0J'ti fe 7 Sty Arrests incIuded three for 1 84 of the IMpoints representing proposalg adopted by ft? Dem theoretical perfection Icratic NaUonal ConvenUon Ten- n0 driversl I go meda dam Prograr? nessee in recent years has been I Tprri' provides umque national rectigru-1 more moderate on the subject f0rJ5ffanding reglstered than its Deep South neighbors Holstein brood cows I wt tvP ctt I there were more bear jams Cuba Frees Two Another In Custody HAVANA July 31 Americans were released last Turn 1W0 the assistant agent showed him a soil and capability map of another farm explaining how it could be used termining radio 51111011 adapted crops and needed con-1 ATE servation practices and measures for the various soils on the farm At the suggestion of Freeland Maxey requested assistance from the Knox County Soil Conservation district in making a map of his arm After the Board of Supervisors approved the request Charles Powers Soil Scientist with the Soil Conservation Service walked over the farm and made the map He delineated the different soils and denoted the slope of the land and the degree of erosion This information will be used by the landowner and the Soil Conservation Service technicians as a guide in developing a farm conservation plan following the best soil and water conservation practices along with other recommended management practices I know I can increase production and improve my orchard while improving the Maxey stated statement is in reality the meaning of conservation Vegetable Seed Lawn Grass Seed Garden Tools Cars Hit Poles wAKXSiJK and Mississippi reSSlosSj es Anoplee park ranger staff was back on I Cuban military investigation de-1 raogihg from 1 percent to Jz the job to take care of emer- partment and a third is on a hun- decrease Taylor applauded the Tennes-1 gencies Rangers Clifford Senne ger strike against detention I Tennessee was the state show-see delegation for opposing th Robert Kerr Dunbar Susong and A US Embassy official said to- in8 least percent of increase cuts roofing costs! Three Injured Three motorists were hurt Sat-1 rights proposals while Ke-1 William Holen reported in for I day Charles Wiley of New York I a state wliich urday night when their can hit auver termed the proposals too duty at noon Saturday after leav- City freelance reporter for radio eludes Kentucky North Carolina utility poles far reaching The senator passed forest fires in Yellowstone station WOR has been on a hun- and Virginia Kentucky with an Phillip Alexa 21 of Fort I UP conventimi saying he National Park ger strike since Thursday and increase of five permit showed I Knox Ky was admitted to Uni- needed to spend the time cam- gaid they had the greatest gain Virginia was versity Hospital after a mishap Paigning from a couple hundred other park Morton Dean 24 of Chappaqua next with a 46 percent gain an on Locust Street Taylor has matched Kefauver rangers on the western emer- a reporter for the New North Carolina next with in per- A car-power pole collision on handshake for handshake in the I gency York Herald Tribune radio net- cent Personal income for May I Buffat Mill Road sent James a a 1 and Kefauver has work and Anatole France Conn 1950 in these states were Ken- Luethke 41 of North Hills added a hillbilly band to his eara- rj a 1 1 33 city engineer of Venice Beach tucky $396000000 Norm Cato- Boulevard to St Hospital van for the closing days 11516(1 XlClIer 3310 I Calif were released last night lina $622000000 and Virginia for treatment The race Is rated so close sup- A pnti m3 0 I All three men had been jailed $602100000 The third accident occurred on porters of each man concede their rii A OQay I Jui UU CC UlcU JlaU Uccll JallCU fwvAuvvw without Wiley Tuesday I In summarizing the personal in- ad Put Fertilizers Toro Mowers Aliens Tillers Insecticides Garden Hose Sprinklers Sargent Paint All Hardware in Shape' TODAY! Maryville Pike when Mrs Alice candidate has no better than an The East Tennessee Artificial and Dean and Morton Thursday come me Cheek 25 of 721 West Emerald even chance The winner will Breeders sixth an- ofeM- I Business Week epo Avenue reported she was forced meet only nominal Republican op-1 nual Bred Heifer Sale will be! The Embassy had been unable non-agricultural empiovmenirose I off the road near Candoro Ave- position in the November elec-nue by an oncoming car and tion held at Chilhowee Park today gsee Wiley until lastmght While WJ over the Association president Paul NPr'S had re SebJ InslaUt fatter lest handlii Save on tide laps A money-taring taint Now for even more savings In pole building or conventional construction get jumbo-size Roofing sheet One sheet covers approximately twice the area of two standard 26-inch sheets Coven roofs faster with half tba handling leas essts aide la pa Gives a strong long-iaat-ing roof that rust out er rot through never needs painting Two weights 019 er 024 in 2 -in corrugated embossed sheets rammed into a pole 7 sled Goddard of Dandridge said aey jJSXSon to s2 about 100 animals including both Ff back romf a rtbhlLather tl grade and purebred animals wffl In Onente Provmce tlg with rubber leather and hi cniH wiioihi hifT mud loffiaal said he really was picked! textile mill products OP a a Havana hixury hoteL He Major gains were shown ta 5JJJ said that after two days of his electrical machinery non-electrl- hunger strike Wiley cal machinery Instrument be calving in the early falL last ght he was pretty hungry chemicals printing and publish- and might go off There was ing apparel and finished textiles no indication when Wiley might Skull Fractured Break In Main Cuts Water Flow To West Area A ecfory-frafaec Inqi near) services youu fara meckiaes ia our shop Aad ihe kaowt how to loop jtkea at their working et little eoetl A 16-inch water main at Thrd Street and West Cumberland Avenue ruptured at 5:15 pjn yesterday causing ia water cut off Everything for Farm Garden Lawn and Home FEDERAL LAND BANK! FARM LOAMS on large or small acreage Lono terms 5 to 40 years Easy payment plan No payoff restrictions Credit life Insurance now available Conte ct SEWELL Mr FEDERAL LAND BANX ASSOC PO Bex 101 82 Ph S-1S1I 112 Nerthshera Dr he Beerden Virgil Cox 37 of 4307 Green-1 be released which affected most of Knoxville I way Road was admitted to St 1 west of that point Hospital with a skull frac- Charged With DWD Knoxville Utilities Board water ture yesterday afternoon which I james Baker of Gamble I trouble department reported at he told authorities was sustained Road was booked at County Jail 6:30 pm that the break had been when he fell from the back of a a drunken driving charge yes-isolated and that pressure would truck on North Broadway terday begin to build immediately Cause was uJnknown KU? Shelter Found Futile switchboard was jammed with I callers complaining of lack of wa- KUMAMOTO JPan July 31 tfl ter Ten persons huddled In a fann- hut near here to escape a I About 58 per cent of the people I a nd downpour Lightning of Mexico are engaged in agri-1 struck the hut killing five and culture I injuring the other five JUSTUS CO 502 JACKSON AYE PHONE 2-6183 DEALERS IN I CASE Farm Machinery Farm Supplies Dairy Poultry end Hep Feeds Davco and Old 8lack Jaa and Vartagraen Farfilixar Field Seeds Taylor Tractors Sub-Soilers Bush-Bog Harrows Knox Supply Cb INCORPORATED 128 Morgan St Phono Your Guido to tho tori tm Aluminum Value Your Favorite Dealer WALLACE HARDVMKI CO INC Wholesale Distributors MORRISTOWN TENN UPTOWN-420 Walnut St BEARDEN NORWOOD and 311 Jackson Ave- Ut ee iflefiaMti Km tori.

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Author: Kimberely Baumbach CPA

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Name: Kimberely Baumbach CPA

Birthday: 1996-01-14

Address: 8381 Boyce Course, Imeldachester, ND 74681

Phone: +3571286597580

Job: Product Banking Analyst

Hobby: Cosplaying, Inline skating, Amateur radio, Baton twirling, Mountaineering, Flying, Archery

Introduction: My name is Kimberely Baumbach CPA, I am a gorgeous, bright, charming, encouraging, zealous, lively, good person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.